Haznil Hafiq

Haznil Hafiq

Topic 11: Level 5 Leadership

This week, I have learned about Level 5 leadership. As Dr say, level 5 leadership leader will work together with the employee and when they achieve success, they push the employee to go to the front stage. Always take responsibility for a good decision. On this day, the leader doesn’t want to take responsibility. it is opposite to the level 5 leader. In addition, for Chinese people it is like Yin and Yang. Level 5 leader harmonies in humanity and professional ways.

Next, first side of level 5. Professional will is related to task to the job. As a level 5 leader, they always want to create superb results, demonstrates unwavering resolve to produce the best long-term results, sets the standard of a great company and ‘looks out the window, not in the mirror. Second side of level 5. Personal humility consists of ‘look in the mirror, not out of the window, demonstrates a compelling modesty, acts with quiet, calm determination and channels ambition into the company not the self.

Before setting a new vision and strategy, great leaders got the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus. A leader must confront the truth with create a culture where people have an opportunity to be heard and for the truth to be heard.

Then, Dr show a picture of hedgehog and ask the characteristic. The characteristic of hedgehog is it eat an insect that can damage the plant. Hedgehog concepts explain that hedgehogs see what is essential and ignore the rest. There are 3 concepts of hedgehog which is passion, best in the world and economic engine.

Finally, the flywheel means never happened in one fell swoop with persistent pushing in a consistent direction on long period of time. It built momentum and followed a predictable pattern of build-up and breakthrough.

After end of the learning delivered by Dr, the presentation activity continued by group 7 entitled the Authentic leadership. This group consists of 4 members namely Jamal, Emanuel, Marius and Marco. Overall, the presentation was very interesting due to their communication skill. I am very impress and fun to hear it. In the end of presentation, we need to give mark to their group in the excel.